Want buy MYSOLINE (PRIMIDONE) but don’t want to pay more money? We have decision for you, our company products quality products for best price. We work with our parents from USA and Europe, also we looking for cheap drugs in all pharmaceutical companies in different ends of our planet.


Mysoline is barbiturate which is used as anticonvulsant to treat epilepsy, grand mal, psychomotor, and focal epileptic seizures. It contains primidone as an active ingredient, which turns into to phenobarbital and phenylethylmalonamide (PEMA) during its metabolism.

This medicine is taken two or four times a day. Follow all recommendations of your doctor, do not change they dose and do not interrupt treatment without his permission. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

Avoid alcohol and other depressants of central nervous system while using Mysoline as dizziness and drowsiness it causes may increase. Do not suddenly stop treatment with this medication without permission of your doctor as it may result in status epilepticus.

This medications may cause suicidal thoughts. Let your doctor know if you experience anxiety, depression, mood or behavior changes, or if you feel hyperactive (mentally or physically), agitated, hostile, restless. Inform your doctor if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or will deliver soon while on Mysoline.

This medication may cause excessive bleeding on delivery. Consult your doctor about such your conditions as l lung disease, iver disease, kidney disease.

Besides sings of allergic reaction such as rash, itching, facial swelling, trouble breathing, dizziness Mysoline may cause stomach upset, clumsiness, loss of appetite, or fatigue. If the side effects mentioned above become worse or bothersome, notify. In case of double vision, sore throat, skin, seizures, fever, rash.

Inform your doctor about all prescribed and over-the-counter medications and herbal products you are taking and especially about other seizure medications, griseofulvin, disulfiram, steroids, warfarin, digoxin, medication for depression, doxycycline, cyclosporine, narcotic pain medicines (codeine), muscle relaxants, certain antihistamines (diphenhydramine), alcoholic beverages.

Other popular medications in this category are TICLID and EXELON

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Filed under: General Health


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  2. Alan Atkins
  3. Jacob Brock
  4. Cynthia Williamson
  5. Zachary Aguirre
  6. Logan Jacobson
  7. Michelle Rogers
  8. Nancy Hull
  9. Sophia Chavez
  10. Alice Velazquez
  11. Terry Huffman
  12. Alice Berger
  13. Bryan Ortega
  14. Amber Schultz
  15. Justin Blair
  16. Olivia Lane
  17. Logan Rollins
  18. Bobby Abbott
  19. Gloria Brandt
  20. Helen Pitts
  21. Christian York
  22. Dennis Moran
  23. Jack Harding
  24. Walter Fernandez
  25. Jeremy West
  26. Michelle Sparks
  27. Hannah Sandoval
  28. Ethan Phillips
  29. Katherine Dixon
  30. Ethan Brock
  31. Marie Logan
  32. Samantha Roy
  33. Teresa Burgess
  34. Isabella Henson
  35. Jonathan Calderon
  36. Beverly Ashley
  37. Thomas Bond
  38. Kyle Gonzales
  39. Charles Carrillo
  40. Judy Wilkins
  41. Jessica Wong